Welcome to the first issue of The Right Tea Newsletter of 2017!
At the start of every year we make resolutions that are soon forgotten, so in this issue we have decided to help you get back on track with yours.
Additionally check out the newest herbal teas now available on the website. We have added balancing and healing teas that you may find useful in your everyday life.
Let’s begin...
Red clover tea is best known for its hormone balancing benefits. Great for women going through menopause who need help with its troublesome symptoms.
At the same time this is a cleansing tea, great for clearing your body of harmful toxins that cause infections and inflammations.
Learn all about this sweet blossom tea here:
Did you know that the most common resolution people make every year is to lose weight?
By now, we have reached the middle of the month and most people have either forgotten or lost focus of their objective.
Losing weight is hard and, most of the time, it isn’t any fun at all. A lot of times, losing weight is not about looking good, but of being healthy and leading a longer life.
So don’t toss out your resolutions yet, come and let’s explore herbal teas that are helpful and make your life a lot easier.
Why could herbal teas help you?
Change your mindset
This year try as many teas as you can, play the expert and write down what you think of each tea. Then order the list from the tea you enjoy and help you the most all the way down to the worst.
Since we all have different tastes and metabolic rates, it is likely that each list should be different. There is no one right answer.
Make resolutions more fun
Looking at your resolutions you read “lose weight” and it is hard to know where to begin and you may quickly get discouraged.
So let’s scratch it off your list and instead write your resolution in fun achievable goals. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Now it’s your turn to come up with interesting and achievable goals concerning exercise and a healthy diet. Make it interesting and losing weight will just be an added bonus.
Great herbal teas that may help you lose weight
Finally let’s give you a few examples of herbal teas you can easily find in your kitchen to get you started: ginger, artichoke, dandelion, rosemary and sage. There are plenty more choices.
Check out a list of weight loss teas and a quick description of how each can help you:
Remember, even though we are already in the middle of January, you are still perfectly in time to begin enjoying your first herbal tea.
Start today!
Make it healthy and make it fun!
Mullein tea is the perfect January tea. It is almost impossible not to get a cold during this time of the year. There is always that person who gets sick and spreads the germs around.
You try your best, you bundle up, you keep away from sick people, you increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin C and wash your hands frequently, and still somehow you catch a nasty cold.
Sneezing and congested, you need relief, you need to breathe. You need a cup of mullein tea.
Find out more about this herbal decongesting tea here:
More articles about tea are coming, so keep on the lookout for the next issue of our newsletter. While you wait, look around our website and learn more about tea and its health benefits.
Until then make sure to follow us on Facebook for daily tips and other wonderful tea related items.
Follow us also on Pinterest!
If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this newsletter or anything you would like to see on the website, make sure to contact us using the form you will find here:
Be healthy
with a wide
choice of herbs!
Prepare your tea!
Try these
Tea Samplers!
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