The Right Tea Newsletter

Issue #37 - June 2021

Welcome to the latest issue of The Right Tea Newsletter!


Did you know that I’m afraid of volleyballs? Funny, isn’t it?

It all goes back to when I was eleven, while playing catch in the school playground, I fell and broke my arm near my wrist. Three weeks with my arm stuck in a cast and just when it came off, we were to start playing volleyball in Physical Education classes.

By the time the doctor said it was okay for me to play, I had become afraid of the ball, particularly because one of the skills required me to hit the ball using the area exactly where my bone had cracked. I have hated playing the game ever since.

I know, it’s silly. Back then I knew nothing of herbal teas that may have helped to heal fractures and strengthen bones. In this issue we will be exploring such teas, even though it isn’t likely that I will break my arm in the playground again.

Let’s begin!

5 Herbal Teas to Strengthen Your Bones

The herbal teas we will be looking at would never be able to replace the cast I had to wear back when I was eleven, but they may just help some of us prevent unnecessary issues as we age and we become more prone to osteoporosis, or weak and breakable bones.

While aging is an inevitable fact, the passage of time does not have to mean less quality of life. In the case of fragile bones and muscles, we can prevent loss of calcium and choose physical activities that work for us in the long term.

Black Cohosh

(actaea racemosa and cimicifuga racemosa)

This is a flowering plant that thrives in the woodland regions of North America. It is rich in a number of vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium.

This herbal infusion may be particularly helpful for women undergoing menopause, helping to tone the liver and thus bring relief from many of the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and mood swings.

When it comes to osteoporosis, a condition that may be made worse during this transition period for women, the calcium content in this infusion may help slow down bone loss.

Find out more about this particular herbal tea here.


(symphytum officinale)

Comfrey is a plant native to Europe and Asia, thriving in riverbanks and marshy lands. Its name comes from the Greek, meaning “to heal together”.

Unlike other herbs, this is not an infusion you should drink. It is to be applied as a compress to fractures and wounds as its elements may help to reduce recovery time for broken bones.

Its sedative and anti-inflammatory properties may also be helpful to soothing pain and reducing inflammation, in the presence of sprains and torn ligaments.

Finally, this tea could be considered as an aid when healing from a bad fall because it is said to strengthen bones and tissues.

Learn about this herbal tea and its uses here.


(equisetum arvense)

Would you make an infusion from a weed? While some view horsetail as no more than a nuisance, others have long appreciated the many benefits of this interesting herb made of razor-sharp stems.

A cup of this tea helps to provide you will essential elements for bone and joint strength. Silica and calcium in this infusion may prevent bones from breaking so easily, or speeding up recovery time when accidents do happen.

If you are prone to brittle nails, then you may wish to try this herbal tea as well, as silica and calcium are also extremely helpful when it comes to promoting nail growth.

Read about these and other benefits of horsetail tea here.

Red Clover

(trifolium pratense)

Native to Asia and Europe, this perennial herb has been used to make healing infusions throughout history.

This is another great tea when going through menopause. It may help soothe those uncomfortable symptoms by boosting estrogen production.

At the same time, if taken regularly, it may promote bone density and strength, reducing the risk of osteoporosis in later stages in life.

Find out more about this particular herbal tea here.

Yerba Mate

(ilex paraguariensis)

This is a holly evergreen tree from the South American rainforest, and for a long time the leaves of this tree would be used not only as traditional remedies but also in rituals by the Guarani and Tupí people.

This herb itself is rich in calcium, iron, silica and a number of other minerals and vitamins, making this a rich infusion that is said to help to build strength and endurance when facing overall weakness.

Besides promoting protection against osteoporosis like the previous teas, this one is also said to help your muscles recover faster after exercise, and improve balance and coordination, which is a great asset to prevent harmful falls.

Take into consideration that this is one of the few herbal teas that contains caffeine and so you may want to control your daily intake of this tea.

Learn more about yerba mate tea here.

In conclusion

These herbal teas may prove very useful in the long run, but if you do happen to have an accident it’s important to follow the recommendations of your doctor and don’t skip on physical therapy if it required.

It is important to prevent issues as much as it is important to heal properly. If you have joint or bone weakness, talk to your doctor about low impact physical exercise that builds resistance. Tai Chi is a great alternative and said to help with balance and strength.

If you want to read about other teas that may help your bones and muscles stay strong and healthy, then click on the link below.

Stay strong and healthy with each cup of tea you drink!

What’s Next?

More articles about tea are coming, so keep on the lookout for the next issue of our newsletter. While you wait, look around our website and learn more about tea and its health benefits.

Until then make sure to follow us on Facebook for daily tips and other wonderful tea related items.

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