Acai Tea

All the Benefits of the
Acai Berry in a Tea

Can a simple berry offer you a healthier life?

Yes! Acai tea is known as one of the richest sources of antioxidants in nature, allowing you to embrace a world full of health benefits.

Come and find out why this is the best

and tastiest workout teas ever!

What is Acai Berry Tea?

Acai berry tea is made from the dark and juicy berries of the Acai palm tree, also known in Latin as euterpe oleracea.

The Acai palm tree is native to Central and South America and it is mainly found in Brazil, where its name is spelt “açaí”. It can reach up to 15 to 30 meters in height, with leaves that are 3 meters long.

These berries have been classified by some as a “super food” and truth be told, acai berries are a great source of energy that can refill your glucose levels. This is why acai berry tea is the perfect beverage to take after a workout.

And since you are working out, you will be glad to know that this tea has a growing reputation as a weight loss supplement.

Although more research should be done to verify the effectiveness of acai tea as a weight loss aid, it has plenty of other benefits that you can enjoy and take advantage of.

Thankfully, the acai tree grows fast enough to match the ever increasing demand for its small, dark purple-black berries, which are no bigger than an inch in diameter (about 25mm) and growing in bunches of several hundreds.

Health Benefits of Acai Tea

Acai berry tea is a highly nutritious beverage, rich in vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, antioxidants, omega fats and fiber. What better way to start your day?

Weight Loss Aid

  • We all wish to lose a few pounds and still enjoy an appetizing meal every day. Is it possible? Now is the time to find out.

    Though actual results are still under testing, acai tea is known for acting as an appetite suppressant, helping to reduce weight.

  • Nevertheless, to achieve lasting results, choose healthier foods and make sure you exercise regularly. Start by taking long walks after meals. Invite a friend and share this new experience.

Cardiovascular Health

  • If you are worried about your heart, it’s time to try acai berry tea. This herbal tea contains fatty acids, similar to those found in olive oil, which will lower cholesterol, reduce glucose levels, and dilate blood vessels.

    All of which is conducive to improved blood flow and a healthier heart.

  • The beneficial properties of acai tea, namely the high amount of antioxidants, will reduce the risks of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

    Make a change today and protect your heart!

Prevent Cancer

  • Simple steps may help you live a healthier life and protect you and your loved ones from illnesses, especially cancer. Exercising, a balanced diet and drinking tea can indeed make a big difference.

  • Acai berries have more antioxidants than the same weight in oranges, allowing you to better prevent cell damage.

  • Moreover, a study has proven that acai berry tea may help fight cancer cells in leukemia, due to a substance called anthocyanin, a pigment present in the fruit pulp that battles free radicals.

Square Tea Cup

Immune System Boost

  • There is no better way to start your day than enjoying the benefits of tea. Acai tea increases your physical stamina, giving you more energy throughout the day. This healthy stimulant will make you feel focused and motivated.

  • Due to the presence of polyphenol antioxidants, this herbal tea will keep bacteria and viruses away. This aids in preventing the onset of colds, hydrating your skin and offering you a healthier and younger look!

  • Blend acai with green tea for a really wonderfully tasting and healthy tea.

Cleansing Tea

  • You don’t need to go on a strict diet to cleanse your body of toxins that may bring you harm internally and externally.

  • Choose to drink acai berry tea daily. This will detoxify your body, improving the liver function, which in turn helps to heal liver diseases, including cirrhosis and bring balance to your hormone levels.

  • Cleansing the body is also a great away to achieve healthy kidneys. This along with the ability to regulate sugar levels may just help prevent Type II diabetes.

  • Removing toxins may also help when you suffer from arthritis. Acai berry tea will reduce pain and increase your range of motion.

Other Acai Tea Benefits

  • It may aid in fighting anemia, due to the presence of iron in the berries, but consult a doctor if you suffer from this disease prior to drinking this tea.

  • Acai berry tea may also improve sexual performance.

  • It also keeps your brain sharp and helps to slow the decline of mental function.

Would you like to taste this super tea?

Acai Tea Side Effects

Even though this is a natural product, there are some facts that you should be aware of.

For example, side effects of acai tea will occur when it is taken in excess.

This berry will help you to reduce your appetite. But don't go full out on an acai berry diet and stop eating altogether. Suppressing your appetite is not healthy if not done carefully.

Radical diets are not the solution.

You'll be doing more damage than good, as this may lead to malnutrition, headaches, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, stomach pains, and faint.

So if you feel any of these symptoms, stop taking this tea and go through your daily diet to make sure you are getting enough of the healthy nutrients you need on a daily basis.

Be especially careful if you suffer from anemia or diabetes. Make sure you consult your physician before taking this tea as an herbal medication.

Here's a tip: take this tea in moderation. That's the real key to any great diet plan. Make sure you eat healthy food and do plenty exercise as you blend acai berry tea into your diet.

Drinking Acai Tea

You are likely to come across this tea as blend of acai juice and other teas, so the resulting benefits will be a mixture of both.

These other teas include white, green and black tea as well as other herbs and fruit teas.

Acai tea can be made both with acai powder, which is sold on the market, or with frozen dried fruits. This juice, made from the berry pulp, or tea should be drunk three times per week. Remember, moderation is the solution.

This infusion usually results in a dark amber, somewhat reddish brew.

If you buy fresh berries remember that due to the speed at which the berries begin to spoil once they are harvested, they must be made into juice or frozen for future consumption within the first 24 hours after the harvest.

You may delight yourself with healthy acai berries in many different ways. You may prepare a refreshing fruit salad; if you are thirsty and hot, you can make an acai berry juice or flavor ice-creams or liquors with it.

Now if you enjoy a sweet treat in the afternoon, why not use acai berries to make a delicious jam?

Buy your Acai Blended Tea Today!

Click on the image or on the link below to purchase Açaí Superfruit Green Full-Leaf Tea from Republic of Tea this wonderful blend of green tea with floral and fruity flavors.

With elderberries, hibiscus, blackberry leaves, red currants and acai juice and flavors makes this into a quick and delicious tea that you can enjoy.

Experience the benefits of acai and Chinese green tea together.

Start feeling the wonderful benefits of Acai today!

Check out the Types of Tea section to learn the benefits of the other teas you may want to blend with you acai berries.

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”While there's tea there's hope.” - Sir Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934), British actor

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